What are the perks in Call of Duty: Ghosts


Call of Duty: Ghosts has a pretty similar game style to previous games in the series, but knowing what the perks are can be useful.

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Quickdraw – aim down sight faster

Sleight of Hand – reload faster

Agility – move faster

Marathon – sprint for longer

Stalker – move at faster while aiming down sights


Strong Arm – throw grenades farther, decrease the cook time of grenades

On the Go – reload while sprinting

Reflex – switch between primary and secondary weapons quicker

Steady aim – increased hip-fire accuracy

Dexterity – weapons ready faster after sprinting


Takedown – killing enemies won’t reveal their death skull to team mates

Blind Eye - provides stealth against aggressive killstreaks

Off the Grid – immune to SAT-COM and radar pings

Dead Silence – make less/no noise

Ghost – no red name when targeted


Recon – spot enemies through explosives and hitmarkers

Scavenger – resupply

Sitrep – detect enemy equipment

Awareness – hear enemies easier

Wiretap - upgrades your SAT-COMs by hacking into active enemy SAT-COMs


Lightweight – no fall damage

Painkiller – faster health regeneration

Toughness – less flinch when shot

Tac Resist – resistance to flash, stun and EMP effects

Blast Shield – increased explosives resistance


Tac Reset – extra tactical grenade

Lethal +1 – extra lethal grenade

Fully Loaded – max ammo capacity

Three attachments on primary weapon

Danger Close – increased explosive damage


Gambler – 1 random perk

Hardline – earn Killstreaks quicker

Ping – when you kill an enemy it will locate enemies near by the body

Overkill – choose two primary weapons

Deadeye – consecutive kills increase the chance to deal more damage with guns