What are the pros/cons of renovating a faction building for a particular faction


At some point in the game, neutral "Faction Buildings" can be renovated for one of the three factions: Courtesans, Thieves, or Mercenaries. Other than getting quick access to that particular faction, is there any advantage or disadvantage inherent in this choice? Also, can I change my mind later?

Best Answer

Renovating faction buildings aren't too rewarding IMHO. Sure they give you income and make faction members available in the district, but in my personal experience, I never needed a faction's help except in the forced missions. There's no real disadvantage to it other than a loss of some coin (but that's a given) and you can only have a single faction in the district at a time. But then again, I don't feel you really need their help.

You can however always change factions after renovating for another. You'll just have to pay for the renovation again for the next faction.