What are the proximity bonuses for adjacent buildings and when do they apply


The game makes it clear that labs and workshops get a bonus when built next to buildings of the same type. I've also seen it written online that Satellite Uplinks get a bonus but I can't see anywhere what it is.

What are all the buildings that get bonuses, and what are those bonuses? Supplemental question: Does "adjacent" mean horizontal or also vertical adjacency?

Best Answer

Adjacency is horizontal and vertical. Each "pair" of facilities counts as one adjacency bonus. Generally you can count the plusses to determine the specific level of benefits you are receiving.

The types and adjacency bonuses are as follows:

  1. Laboratory: 10% research speed bonus for each adjacency bonus.
  2. Workshop: 7% refund on resources used to build items (that's gear, facilities, and vehiciles) for each adjacency bonus.
  3. Satellite Uplink/nexus: +1 capacity for each adjacency bonus.
  4. Power, Elerium, Thermal Generators: +2 power for each adjacency bonus.

Note that if you go into the Build Facilities screen, you can see this in the description text (of the currently highlighted facility), but sometimes you have to sit there and wait for it to start scrolling.