What are the stock amounts for each level


Does anyone have information on how much stock each level holds and how the amount stocked is impacted by the level's rank and Bitizen skill/dream job?

Best Answer

I've created a spreadsheet and shared it on Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aqutr-RTiVlWdHdOZlg3RFpsc3hKZzE3MkZPRWEwdEE&usp=sharing

The spreadsheet contains the level name, type, rank, # of dream jobs, and total skill. For each stock you enter the Bitizen skill level, and base stock amount. The sheet will then calculate the actual stock level and the time to order. Levels are sorted by their base stock level.

Imperial levels show the completion time and production cost for each item.