What are the “suitable qualities to rename” a pet


I'm having a bit of confusion here. I can "name a pet" since I don't want to keep it naming it "you" (is cruel), but I haven't found out what are these "qualities" that I need to fill to name it. So, how do I name a pet?

enter image description here

Best Answer

You require a minimum of one pet in order to rename a pet. Apparently, Fallen London doesn't properly check to see if you have a pet before allowing you to attempt the storylet that renames a pet.

Considering that there are dozens of possible pets, this makes a certain twisted sense: the Storynexus engine that runs Fallen London prefers to work with specific qualities rather than broad things like "one out of these three dozen Qualities". The devs went the lazy route and assumed that you wouldn't try to rename a pet if you didn't have one. (Otherwise, they would have to go back and update this storylet, and other storylets that let you change names, every time a new pet gets added. FailBetter games is a rather small company, so they went the easy route on this.)