What are the three most valuable stores in Mallcrasher


Vlad wants the mall smashed up.

I have three grenades.

Which three stores should I use them on to get the most buck for my bang?

Best Answer

The Car Showroom is the most valuable store.

After that are the following stores in an unknown order:

  • Jewelry
  • Computer
  • Men's Suits
  • Cosmetics

The "Windows" number in the table below indicates how many windows I needed to break after tossing a grenade into each of those stores to reach $50,000. I tested all stores, but did not include results in the table for any store which required me to break more than 20 windows afterward.

Many civilians were harmed in the making of this table

Store 1    Store 2    Store 3    Windows
Car        Jewelry   Cosmetics      0
Car        Jewelry     Suits        0
Car          Pear     Jewelry       0
Car          Pear    Cosmetics      2
Car          Pear      Suits        3
Pear       Jewelry   Cosmetics      6
Suits      Jewelry     Pear         6
Car       Cosmetics    Suits       12
Jewelry   Cosmetics    Suits       16
Pear      Cosmetics    Suits       20