What are the times and medals for each Imperial Level


What are the times and medals for the items created in each Imperial level?

I would like to create a reference table for each item.

Best Answer

  • Blast Doors
    • Security Systems, 15min, x2 Medals, 190 credits
    • Improved Alloy, 35min, x3 Medals, 465 credits
  • Blaster Repair (this level only has one kind of resource)
    • Barrel Replacement, 1h 50min, x5 Medals, 2545 credits
  • Communications
    • Comlink, 1h 15min, x3 Medals, 1120 credits
    • Imperial Scout, 1h 25m, x4 Medals, 1695 credits
  • Detention Level
    • Internal Forcefield, 1h 5min, x3 Medals, 1120 credits
    • Blaster Pistol, 1h 25min, x4 Medals, 1695 credits
  • Droid Lab
    • Battle Droid, 1h 20min, x4 Medals, 1540 credits
    • Research Droid, 1h 40 min, x4 Medals, 2190 credits
  • Droid Works
    • Repair Droid, 1h 20min, x4 Medals, 1540 credits
    • Medical Droid, 1h 40 min, x4 Medals, 2190 credits
  • Emperor's Chamber
    • Imperial Edict, 1h 25min, x4 Medals, 1695 credits
    • Sith Spy, 1h 45 min, x4 Medals, 2365 credits
  • Extending Bridge
    • Control Panel, 55min, x3 Medals, 875 credits
    • Security Force, 1h 15min, x4 Medals, 1395 credits
  • Forcefield Gen
    • Shield Protector, 1h 30m, x4 Medals, 1855 credits
    • Heavy Shield, 1h 50 min, x5 Medals, 2545 credits
  • Imperial Meeting
    • Battle Plan, 1h 5m, x3 Medals, 1120 credits
    • Assault Trooper, 1h 25min, x4 Medals, 1695 credits
  • Interrogation
    • Recon Droid, 10min, x2 Medals, 145 credits
    • Armor Upgrade, 30min, x2 Medals, 385 credits
  • Map Room
    • System Scan, 35min, x3 Medals, 465 credits
    • Probe Droid, 55m, x3 Medals, 875 credits
  • Officer's Lounge
    • Inspections, 1h 20min, x4 Medals, 1540 credits
    • Imperial Gunners, 1h 40min, x4 Medals, 2190 credits
  • Sith Meditation
    • Sith Droid, 1h 30 min, x4 Medals, 1855 credits
    • Sith Warrior, 1h 50 min, x5 Medals, 2545 credits
  • Superlaser Ray
    • Cooling Coil, 1h 30m, x4 Medals, 1855 credits
    • Blaster Rifle, 1h 50 min, x5 Medals, 2545 credits
  • Tractor Beam
    • Power Coupling, 35min, x3 Medals, 465 credits
    • Hull Armor, 55min, x3 Medals, 875 credits
  • Turbo Laser
    • Capacitor Bank, 55min, x3 Medals, 875 credits
    • Heavy Turret, 1h 15m, x4 Medals, 1395 credits