What are the type of view projections in League of Legend, or Dota 2


I know the theories behind parallel, perspective, and side scrolling, but still can't tell exact projection types used behind the games confidently. Although similar questions have been asked before, the answers seem to differ from person to person, confusing me even more.

Does League of Legends and Dota 2 use perspective projection with really far away vanishing points? I find it really hard to observe perspectiveness in Starcraft 2 graphics for example, even though some of the answers in the similar question suggests that it is indeed using perspective projection. So I'm guessing here that the SC2 graphics engine uses very far away vanishing points, which makes me wonder if the same technique applies to the games like League of Legends and Dota 2.

Best Answer

The perspectives you are listed are more or less methods to create a 3D perspective from 2D images.

In regards to the games you have listed, they use a 3D engine. The view point is a camera system. Wikipedia has a Virtual Camera System article that covers the principle.

In Dota2 and LoL you are seeing an implementation of "Third-Party View".

In SC2, the camera tracks against your mouse.

Across these 3D engine games, there is probably a case for asking whether a specific game uses Orthographic or Perspective projection. I can't say for certain if any of these listed games use one of these methods in particular (my guess is perspective), but regardless, the following question on another Stack Exchange may help determine an answer:


Also, StarCraft 2 is already covered by this answer (perspective projection):

What is the name of the view in games like Diablo 3, Starcraft, and Warcraft??