What are the unbox rates for the new Weapon Cases


I attempted at one point to unbox a new Weapon Case in TF2, but I had mixed opinions about doing so in the first place and I didn't end up with a desirable item. So that got me thinking.

What exactly are the percentage probabilities of getting a Strange or Unusual skin, or a higher-tier skin from the specific case's collection in better condition?

Best Answer

The other answer is correct about the weapon rates. I couldn't find any data about skin quality rates or Strange/Strange Unusual rates and they likely aren't known. We can speculate that the Strange drop rate is about the same as the Strange drop rate for Festive weapons, but I couldn't find any hard numbers for those either. People like to pin it around 10-20% but that's just a guess. Unfortunately, we're not likely to get a whole lot of new insight on it. Presumably, the rate for a Strange Unusual weapon would be the Strange chance * Unusual chance, which would put it around 0.1-0.2%.