What are the various availiable types of Cabal Government, and what, if any, is the difference between them


So, I joined a Cabal. As with 'guilds' in most MMO's, there's a rank structure, and a bank, and a Message of the Day.

We also have a 'Type of Government'. I know my Cabal is a Mobocracy, and I know making it a Plato's Republic was rejected.

I'm assuming my Mobocracy's current rank structure of:

  1. MobRuler
  2. Ochlocrat
  3. Majoritarian
  4. Crowd member

in descending order is inherited from the type of government. Does the choice of government have any other affects? What's the full list of available government types?

Best Answer

The different government types are absolutely identical, it's purely for thematic purposes. (The rank names differ between types.)

The available types are:

  • Assembly
  • Commune
  • Corporation
  • Coven
  • Directive
  • Military Junta
  • Ministry
  • Mobocracy
  • Plato's Republic
  • Posse
  • Rebellion
  • Syndicate
  • Technocracy
  • Temple
  • Tribunal
  • Troupe

(I've omitted a complete listing of rank names here for readability purposes; they're all about what you'd expect.)