What attacks hit all opponents in a Pokemon horde encounter


I want to know so that I can sort out a Pokemon with one of those moves.

Best Answer

There are many moves that target multiple enemies. A list, categorised by the rules in which they effect multiple targets, can be found here. You will find more information on each individual move, as well.

Targets Adjacent

Boomburst, Bulldoze, Discharge, Earthquake, Explosion, Lave Plume, Magnitude, Parabolic Charge, Petal Blizzard, Searing Shot, Self-Destruct, Sludge Wave, Surf, Synchronoise, Teeter Dance.

Targets Adjacent Foes

Acid, Air Cutter, Blizzard, Bubble, Captivate, Dark Void, Dazzling Gleam, Diamond Storm, Electroweb, Eruption, Glaciate, Growl, Heat Wave, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Incinerate, Leer, Muddy Water, Origin Pulse, Poison Gas, Powder Snow, Precipice Blades, Razor Leaf, Razor Wind, Relic Song, Rock Slide, Snarl, String Shot, Struggle Bug, Sweet Scent, Swift, Tail Whip, Twister, Water Spout.

Targets All

Gravity, Hail, Haze, Magic Room, Mud Sport, Perish Song, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Trick Room, Water Sport, Wonder Room .

Targets All Foes

Heal Block, Imprison, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Toxic Spikes.

Targets All Allies

Aromatherapy, Heal Bell, Light Screen, Lucky Chant, Mist, Quick Guard, Reflect, Safeguard, Tailwind, Wide Guard.