What button do I have to press in this scene


Possible spoiler.

I got captured and I am stuck on a scene where the bad guy finds my hiding place and drags me out. There is a cinematic and afterwards he chokes me.
Here is a picture of the scene: enter image description here
There are two circles and some kind of "call to action" but I cannot figure out what to do.

I tried pressing left click, right click, space etc. with no effect. Either I get the timing wrong or I am pressing the wrong buttons.

I am playing the PC version.

Best Answer

I figured it out. It is "F" or melee action. There is a red exclamation mark (!) for a very short period of time. I thought this was something like: Image or Action missing but it means "melee attack". Checkout "button mappings" "actions" to figure out what symbol refers to each "call to action".