What can Blood Stone Shards be used for


I have about 40 Blood Stone Shards right now. They seem to drop like nobodies business. Do they have a use besides fortifying weapons that I need to save them up for? Or is their drop rate just really high in general?

Best Answer

Blood Stone Shards are only used for upgrading weapons up to +3. You need 3 for +1, 5 for +2 and 8 for +3. That means you need a total of 16 shards per weapon to get to the next upgrade material tier.

The further you advance in the game, the more Blood Stone Shards you will come across. The same goes for the Blood Stone of higher tier (Twin Shards and Chunks). If you have an excess of materials, you can use them to upgrade weapons you don't use so often or sell it to the messengers in the Hunter's Dream for 200 blood echoes each.

If you try to upgrade all weapons you come across, you shouldn't have too many left though. I recently had reached my inventory limit for shards and still didn't have enough to upgrade all my weapons. There is no other use for Blood Stone materials that I know of.