What can the Petrified Something be used for


Since I'm a sucker for mystery gifts in Dark Souls, I chose the "Petrified Something" as my starting gift. Knowing what I knew about the Old Witch's Ring in Dark Souls, I figured that the item's usefulness (if it had any at all) wouldn't become apparent until much later in the game.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I came across the birds' nest in the tutorial area that enticingly asked me for a "smooth" object. Figuring that my petrified lump fit the bill quite well, I dropped it in the nest, and got a White Ring in exchange.

That's a neat ring, of course, but since I traded away my starting gift only minutes into the game, it makes me curious if I've now missed out on anything else I could've used it for instead. Does the Petrified Something have any other uses than to trade at the birds' nest?

Best Answer

The one and the only use for the Petrified Something is in the tutorial's nest. As mentioned before, the item you will receive in return is randomized. No other relevant uses for the PS are known as of yet.