What causes me to stop gaining points in campaign missions


I have been playing through campaign missions (in Halo CE, in case that's important), and I've noticed that in each mission, at some point my score just stops increasing and for the rest of the mission, a "0" pops up instead of whatever positive score I normally would get whenever I get a kill. What causes this change?

Best Answer

There have been several reports online of people experiencing this issue. Apparently it is a known bug.

This post from 343 Industries claims they are working on some patches within the next week or so (as of 11/13) to fix various issues, including "A Content Update tomorrow that addresses some campaign fixes and scoring issues".

However, that "tomorrow" has come and gone. Can you make sure your game is fully up-to-date? If so, they may still be working on that patch.

EDIT: As of this update on the 15th, they have another patch slated for release on 11/19 which should fix "non-matchmaking bugs, and a variety of title-specific issues". So if the latest patch didn't fix the issue for you, that one might.