What chapters can I complete without spending $300 on this game


We got Skylanders for the kid for Christmas.
Consequently, I've been playing a fair amount of Skylanders.
It's got good points and bad points, but it is fun to play, so I guess overall we'll have to call it a win.

Via Chapter Select I can go back to previous areas that have already been played and attempt to "complete them" (find all the stuff, visit all the areas, do a speed run, eventually earn 3 stars for the chapter by doing all of the above). I've certainly played me some Spyro before, so going back to old levels to finish them off is nothing new.

This toy-based gambit is really built right into the game though, you can't go through these elemental portals without the right kind of action figure. The base pack comes with 3 which represents 3 of the 8 elements. Which means that I can only complete a chapter if I've got the right toys for it. Which leads me to the question:
Which chapters do I have the right Skylander/elements to complete?

As a bonus, which chapters am I only missing a single Skylander/element in order to complete?

Visiting each chapter and writing stuff down would be a bit time-consuming, so a nice list would be helpful.

Best Answer

Here's my current compiled knowledge on the matter:

Chapters that can be completed with Magic, Tech, and Water (base set):

  • Chapter 1: Shattered Island
  • Chapter 6: Dark Water Cove
  • Chapter 7: Leviathan Lagoon
  • Chapter 10: Treetop Terrace
  • Chapter 18: Molekin Mine
  • Chapter 22: Lair of Kaos

Chapters that can be completed with an additional Life Skylander:

  • Chapter 2: Perilous Pastures
  • Chapter 9: Stonetown
  • Chapter 20: Quicksilver Vault
  • Chapter 24: Pirate Seas (from Adventure pack)

Chapters that can be completed with an additional Fire Skylander:

  • Chapter 5: Oilspill Island
  • Chapter 19: Lava Lakes Railway
  • Chapter 25: Darklight Crypt (from Adventure pack)

Chapters that can be completed with an additional Earth Skylander:

  • Chapter 11: Falling Forest
  • Chapter 16: Cadaverous Crypt

Chapters that can be completed with an additional Undead Skylander:

  • Chapter 14: Battlefield
  • Chapter 15: Crawling Catacombs
  • Chapter 23: Empire of Ice (from Adventure pack)

Chapters that can be completed with an additional Air Skylander:

  • Chapter 17: Creepy Citadel
  • Chapter 21: Arkeyan Armory
  • Chapter 26: Dragon's Peak (from Adventure pack)

Chapters that require multiple additional Skylanders:

  • Chapter 3: Sky Schooner Docks (Undead and Earth)
  • Chapter 4: Stormy Stronghold (Life and Air)
  • Chapter 8: Crystal Eye Castle (Undead and Earth)
  • Chapter 12: Troll Warehouse (Life and Fire)
  • Chapter 13: Goo Factory (Air and Fire)