What Class determines Class Time Spent in Battlefield 3


If you play as a class in a Battlefield 3 map, obviously whatever class you spawn in as will receive time spent as that class towards the service medal. But what happens when you pick up another kit?

For example, if I spawn in as an Engineer, then run out of ammo and pick up a Recon kit, does my play time from then on go towards Engineer or Recon? I would think it would go towards Recon, however, visibly, my character will still appear to be an Engineer, just one holding a sniper rifle. This leads me to wonder which one actually receives the play time.

Best Answer

The class timer is ALWAYS determined by the class chosen when spawning. The server takes this data and starts the timer. You create a profile on the server when joining a server, with default class = Assault (that's why you see assault as the first class "already chosen"). You cannot log in to the server unless this profile has data on it. (assault, and all values = 0)

When you see the scoreboard, the server creates that data from each of the player's profile. If you see a little wrench, cross, crosshair or bullets, then you know what is going to be taken into account when adding time to a class.