What class of armor should the party members be wearing


I'm trying to understand, generally speaking, what types of armor I should be equipping on my party members.

Here's what I know:

  • There are several classes of armor: clothing, light, medium, heavy, massive, etc.
  • "Heavier" classes of armor provide more protection, but cause more fatigue and require larger stat scores (usually strength)
  • Each armor class has named tiers of progressive quality (e.g. Veridium armor is better than Iron armor)

What I'm trying to figure out is:

  • Does fatigue matter all that much in the grand scheme of things, particularly with members I'm not directly controlling?
  • Should I always be equipping the heaviest armor my party members can wear?
  • If I shouldn't be equipping the heaviest armor a character can wear, what are the recommended armor classes for each character class? Like, should mages always wear clothing; rogues should always wear light, etc.

Best Answer

Fatigue does matter, even on characters you don't control directly. Especially when you need Alistair to shield bash that ogre who's holding you up.

The armor you equip should depend on the role the character plays. Mages and Archers for example, are ranged characters who shouldn't be in the middle of things. They should be wearing light armor and robes respectively. Tanks should be wearing the heaviest armor they can find (massive, basically) so that they can draw the enemies towards them and away from the squishy characters.

Melee rogues should have enough defense that they barely get hit at all, so light armor is the best. I'm not sure about melee warriors with a damage dealing focus, never played them.

I haven't found a use for medium or heavy armor, always going with light or massive for fighters, and robes for mages. Especially since all the good armor sets are massive.

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