Overwatch – Best Counters Against Mei


Extremely frustrating playing against Mei, whether it's in a teamfight or solo. Heck, trying McCree, a supposedly high CQC damage hero fails because most of the time the Mei can freeze me then headshot me to death with her alt fire.

Is there a true counter to Mei? Because it seems like every match I play against Mei is a struggle because of her freeze and her godlike defensive powers.

Best Answer

What makes Mei threatening is her one-two combo. Once she locks you down with her primary fire, she can use her alternate to finish you off. However, her primary fire requires some time to immobilize and she can only target one enemy at a time. This leaves her weak to grouped assaults, burst damage, and hit-and-run attacks.

Ignoring coordinated assaults as they might be difficult for pub groups to pull off, Mei's short range leaves her weak to mid-range and long-range heroes such as S:76, Widowmaker, Hanzo, and Pharah. Provided they keep out of range, that is.

Heroes with high burst damage like Roadhog's hook+scrap+melee combo or McCree's alternate fire can also deal with Mei though this is a riskier proposition as they have to get in close range and not landing their burst leaves them open to be frozen and icicle'd.

Somewhat counterintuitively, heroes with high mobility such as Tracer and Genji also have an advantage against Mei, though this is very dependent on tactics. While Mei can lock down these squishy speedsters, she needs 2 seconds of consistent damage to do so. Therefore, she excels at prolonged encounters and Tracer/Genji need to realize this.

Don't expect to kill Mei in the first encounter. She has 250 health and most likely her Ice Block. Instead, whittle her down with guerilla tactics, making sure to use your high mobility to dip out of combat every now and then to avoid her freeze. If you have your ultimate, bait out Mei's Ice Block. While she can exit her Ice Block at any time, most Mei players will choose to spend the full duration to recover as much health as possible. Either count the duration (4s) or listen for the audio cue and use your ultimate right as she comes out of Ice Block. Tracer's ultimate will one-shot her and Genji needs 3 strikes (although in practice, it's usually 2), which he should be able to accomplish in 2s.