What counts as a projectile


The vortex shield is a Titan tactical ability, that "catches incoming projectiles, and projects them back". For the purposes of the vortex shield, what counts as a projectile or not, i.e. Is the charge rifle a projectile?

Best Answer

The charge rifle shoots a beam of energy so there isn't a projectile. A projectile is a physical object which is projected.

I'll update my answer as best I can to make it helpful.

Vortex Sheild stops

  • XO-16 Chaingun
  • 40mm Cannon
  • Quad Rocket
  • Triple Threat (Not sure if it stops mines before they land if they hit the shield)
  • Sidewinder
  • Archer Heavy Rocket
  • Mag Launcher (Assuming the grenades hit the shield)

Vortex Sheild does not stop

  • Arc Cannon
  • Plasma Railgun
  • Charge Rifle
