What counts as an “other” weapon in Halo 4’s stat tracking


I was checking out my stats over at Halowaypoint.com and came across a rather peculiar statistic. At the very bottom of my weapon stats for the slayer games I've played it says I have been killed by "other" one time. Does anyone have any idea what counts as an "other" weapon? I'd like to know because it could lead to some funny/weird ways to try and get kills for entertainment value, lol.

Relevant Screencap: enter image description here
Relevant URL: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/Klokworkk/wargames/ (not sure if that'll work for people that aren't me. Someone let me know if it is working for them?)

Best Answer

Based on my own service record and what I remember of the few times that I played Flood, the "Other" weapon is the map itself. So falling to your death without getting shot, and I'm not sure what else would.