Payday 2 – What Counts Towards the Goal in Mallcrashers


In Mallcrashers, your goal is to destroy $50000 worth of property. I know destroying store glasses counts towards the goal. Destroying the glass railings seems to count, too.

What else counts towards it?

Best Answer

You can destroy lots of stuff:

  • Mall's black and white signs
  • Stores glasses
  • Glass runways/railings
  • Glass roof
  • Glass shelves in some of the stores
  • Wine bottles in the wine store
  • Vases and poteries at the antique store
  • Sport car's windows in the showroom
  • Shoe box stacks (tip: directly shoot the top of the stack)
  • Computers and headphones at the Pear store
  • ATMs if you have a saw
  • Clothing stores and gym can be burned down with a gas can (cf. mission's assets)

Note that trip mines can prove useful in this level: simply plant one in the middle of an area where you want to blast stuff (liquor bottles for instance) and shoot at it.