What determines the character’s maximum Health and Mana


As I level up, I'm gaining increases to both my maximum health and my maximum mana. These don't seem to be increasing equally, however, as I'm seeing my maximum mana increase faster than my total health.

What factors are involved in determining my character's maximum health and mana?

Best Answer

I was playing around with this Ability Calculator (which is a great resource in and of itself!), and I noticed that it also displays maximum health and mana, and they seem to increase as my abilities increase.

With a bit of poking, I think I determined that the formula is:

health = round(50 + might_points*4/3 + finesse_points + sorcery_points*2/3)
mana = round(50 + might_points*2/3 + finesse_points + sorcery_points*4/3)

Therefore, if you focus on solely Sorcery abilities, your mana will increase 2x faster than your health, and vice versa for Might. Finesse points increase both equally.

At level 40, your estimated maximum "base" health/mana (counting only health/mana gained from ability point increases) would be:

  • 214 Mana for all points in Sorcery (leaving you with 132 health)
  • 214 Health for all points in Might (leaving you with 132 mana)
  • 173 Health and 173 mana for all points in Finesse

You can experiment with other combinations using the ability calculator I linked above, this is just a general reference as to what focusing on one tree to the exclusion of others might give you health and mana-wise.

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