What determines what races a slaver can provide


When encountering a slaver ship, you have a couple of options to acquire a new crew member. You can buy slaves, fight to receive a slave as a bribe, or kill the slaver crew to gain your choice of slaves.

Is there anything that affects which races are involved, or is it completely random?

For example: If I am in an Engi controlled sector, am I more likely to get an Engi from slavers?

Best Answer

There are a couple different ways to resolve a slaver encounter which will result in new crew members:

Friendly Slaver

  • Buy a slave.
    • Receive 1 random crew member.
  • Using a level 2+ Teleporter.
    • Outcomes 1: Receive 1 random crew member and fight the slavers.
    • Outcomes 2: Receive 1 random crew member and fight the slavers.
    • Outcomes 3: No crew member up front, but fight the slavers.
  • Fight the slaver scum.
    • See below.

Pirate Slaver

  • Fight the slaver scum.
    • See below.
  • If you have level 6+ Engines, you can attempt to outrun the slavers. If this fails, you will fight the salvers.

Fighting the slavers:

The outcome of the fight can lead to a new crew member even if you got one through the teleporter dialogue option.

  • Slavers surrender.
    • Receive 1 random crew member.
  • Kill the slaver crew.
    • Outcome 1: Receive 1 random crew member.
    • Outcome 2: Receive your choice of a Rock, Mantis, or Engi crew member.
    • Outcome 3: No crew member.
  • Destroy the ship.
    • No crew members.

All in all, crew members you receive are of a random race, but there is an option to get your choice of Rock, Mantis, or Engi if you do things correctly.