What determines whether or not I become the Squad Leader of a given Squad


Sometimes when playing Battlefield 3 I wish that I could force myself to become the squad leader/start a new squad in a given situation, so that people could spawn on me(as I understand it, you can only spawn on squad leaders…is this wrong?) and use my advantageous position(for example, when flanking the enemy). However, I still have absolutely no idea if it's even possible to "make" a new squad mid-battle and what determines whether or not I become a squad leader. Any idea what causes this to happen?

Best Answer

As far as I have been able to work out, being assigned to the position of squad leader is a case of "first in". When you join a squad, you may notice that there is an order to it. If someone higher up than you then leaves the squad, everyone lower moves up a space. In this fashion, you can only become squad leader if you are in the second position and the squad leader leaves (you will be notified with a big heads-up "You are now the Squad Leader" notice).

Edit: It is possible to make a squad mid-battle.