What determines which Blade of Hjaalmarch I get


I've helped the people of Morthal, so now Jarl Idgrod has made me Thane and wants to give me the Blade of Hjaalmarch. Apparently, this blade can be either a sword or a greatsword. Searching the internet for a while, I've found a source that claims it is random, while another one claims it's based on your one-handed and two-handed skills.

I use one-handed weapons only, so naturally that skill is higher and I want the one-handed version of the blade. However, I always get the two-handed one, even after restarting the game a couple of times. Am I screwed or do I just have bad luck and should keep trying?

Best Answer

It's random.

This should be obvious, given that of the two hypotheses you've seen - either that it's random, or that it's based on whichever skill is higher - only one actually conforms to your experience.

Sorry for your bad luck, if you want a 1 handed version that badly, you're going to need to do a bunch of reloading.

(It's possible that the random variable is seeded at some earlier point - when you start the quest perhaps? - and that you're well and truly out of luck here. But this seems unlikely for a variety of reasons.)