Legend of Grimrock – Identifying Walls with Secret Switches


Some walls have non-obvious switches hidden in them, that the player can activate and which occasionally reveal secrets and provide loot. We're introduced to the wall with a loose rock in the first level of the dungeon, but are there others? If so, what do they look like? Hand-drawn circles around the switch "hotspot" and any other obvious identifying feature preferred.

Best Answer

Where a switch type appears on a wall is variable, so while the screenshots below circle what the switch looks like, it doesn't mean you can always look at exactly that part of the wall to see it.

Here are the hidden switch types I've seen.

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Also, I have found secrets by doing the following:

  • Placing torches in sconces
  • Removing torches from sconces
  • Finding pressure plates on the floors (which have always been very obvious)
  • Placing desired item types in alcoves (such as putting a weapon in the alcove outside the room that says "no weapons allowed")
  • Slicing tapestries hanging on walls to cut them down and reveal switches behind them.