What do each symbol mean? (For exponentials)


As you know, Clicker Heroes is an idle game all about exponential numbers and… A lot of waiting.
However, when the number gets big, they start representing them with symbols and not letters (for example, 500k = 500,000), and I'm seeing numbers like 71,668%.


What are the symbols used and their exponential equalivants?
For consistency sake, please also include the metric symbols; K = kilo for numbers in thousands.

Best Answer

If you use the webversion this is on the right side:

Legend of Large Numbers

1K = 1,000 = One Thousand

1M = 1,000K = One Million

1B = 1,000M = One Billion

1T = 1,000B = One Trillion

1q = 1,000T = One Quadrillion

1Q = 1,000q = One Quintillion

1s = 1,000Q = One Sextillion

1S = 1,000s = One Septillion

1O = 1,000S = One Octillion

1N = 1,000O = One Nonillion

1d = 1,000N = One Decillion

1U = 1,000d = One Undecillion

1D = 1,000U = One Duodecillion

1! = 1,000D = One Tredecillion

1@ = 1,000! = One Quattuordecillion

1# = 1,000@ = One Quindecillion

1$ = 1,000# = One Sexdecillion

1% = 1,000$ = One Septendecillion

1^ = 1,000% = One Octodecillion

1& = 1,000^ = One Novemdecillion

1* = 1,000& = One Vigintillion

A lot > 1,000* < A lot