What do I lose when aborting from the Plains of Eidolon


If I'm out on the Plains after finishing a bounty and collecting some resources, it would be nice if I could just teleport back to Cetus, rather than having to run all the way back to the door. I'm worried that choosing to abort the mission will make me lose some or all of my rewards.

What exactly do you lose when you choose to Abort Mission in the Plains of Eidolon?

Best Answer

You lose your pickups and bonus XP when you abort a mission.

If you're annoyed by the long journey back to extraction, use the archwing launcher or a warframe that can travel quickly, like Nova (see Worm Hole for example). There are builds for fast travel in the plains of Eidolon.

If you're stuck because you're in a squad where no one wants to extract, you can leave the squad to be put in your own instance, and then leave using the extraction at any time.