What do the bars in “Games Won” mean


I've played 12 games, and won 5. The game claims I have 3 wins. The games I won were with Pharah, Widowmaker, Mccree, Reaper, and Hanzo. (Though it says I have 0 minutes played with Reaper and Hanzo, so apparently those games didn't get recorded…). I haven't played any character twice yet.

Here is my games won statistic:

Games Won

I can guess the numbers mean number of wins… but what do the bars represent?

Best Answer

From your comments that you may have switched heroes during your games, it appears to be a percentage of each game played * 1 per each win. So if you won four games where you played D.Va for 75% of each of the games and Mei for 25%, you would have the D.Va bar show 4*0.75 = 3 wins and Mei would show 4*0.25 = 1 win.

These bars obviously wouldn't show up as whole numbers most of the time if you switch heroes often during games as it is unlikely that you would end up with exact amounts of whole games played. It seems to round numbers to the nearest whole, so each of those games that you won that you played the character for less than 50% of the time slightly fills up the bar but is labelled as "0 wins."