Wolfenstein 3D – What Blue Soldiers Say When Spotting You


In Wolfenstein 3D, whenever you alert or get spotted by one of the Blue soldiers with machine guns, they say the same phrase (likely in German since they were Nazi soldiers after all).

If you watch the below video, you can hear what they say (the phrase is said right after the player shoots his gun):

To me, it sounds like they are saying something like gustavo, but a German word search for that word doesn't yield anything.

I've played this game for many years and have never known what they said. What is the exact word/phrase they say (preferably in German with an English translation)?

Best Answer

They introduce themselves as 'Schutzstaffel' (Protection Squadron), the paramilitary organization better known as the SS. In the source code as released by id software the sound file is referred to as SCHUTZADSND.

Strangely enough the famous blue sprite doesn't look like any version of the historical SS uniform. This was changed in the Spear of Destiny mission packs, where this enemy type adopted a black uniform. The health definitions in the source code also does confirm these enemy types are meant to be SS troopers:

25, // guards
50, // officer
100, // SS
1, // dogs