What do the sub-stats on a weapon mean


When a weapon is examined in your inventory, the right side of the screen has 3 sections as part of the description.

  • The top section has a description box for the weapon, flavor text if you will.

  • The middle section has numerical stats for the weapon, the damage it does.

  • The bottom section has slots of information for inherent abilites, special effects, and patches that the weapon provides. (this is where elemental damage goes, hence my confusion)

In the Middle Section, the numerical stats are divided into two lines, the top line has the exact damage the weapon does, such as; 123-175(x2).

The bottom line sometimes has an icon, such as angel wings, flames, snowflakes, ect, and a +# following the icon. What does this part of the statistical information mean?

Best Answer

After some testing I have confirmed that this is elemental damage, however it is not extra elemental damage. This stat seems to reflect the weapons natural damage element.

I took my Staff of Winter (+50 frost) and attacked an elf that was weak to frost damage, and he took additional damage as if from a frost attack. During this combat sequence I had no strap-ons equipped to my weapon, nor did I have any active buffs or anything else that would have added elemental damage to my attack.

Note: My weapon did not do X normal damage and then X frost damage, it just did X damage, and a WEAK icon appeared near the floating dmg numbers.

I can only assume then that the +50 Frost means that 50% of my damage dealt with the weapon is Frost Damage. If anyone has any ideas on how to test this more extensively they would be very welcome.