What do you gain by training Kerbals


Now that Kerbals can learn and develop skills I wonder what is increasing the skill level? Is it the number of flights? distance traveled? Time in space? biomes visited?

Also, what does leveling my Kerbals do? Do they get better at certain tasks? If so, what is unlocked at each level?

Best Answer

Kerbal Experience and Skills

Your favorite Kerbals have gained specific skillsets when they’re hired: your pilots, scientists and engineers will each gain abilities specific to their specialization as they earn experience by going on missions in outer space. Pilots will learn how a ship is controlled and will be able to take over control of your spacecraft’s orientation or provide stability control during flight; scientists give you an edge when it comes to collecting scientific data as their analytical skills give bonuses to science collection; and an experienced engineer can repair specific parts of your craft which may save your mission.

Taken from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103034