What does a red skull above an arthe mean in Rome 2 Total War


Take a look at the screenshot below.

Red skulls

The left army is mine, sieging an enemy city. The right army is an enemy's army (same faction as the city I'm sieging) that I just defeated in a battle before laying siege.

At first I thought the red skull means that it (the army) contains the last leader of a faction, but this can't be true because I have other generals as well.

Best Answer

As mentioned by @5pike, the red skull symbolises attrition.

There are several reasons why an army or a fleet can suffer from attrition, here are some:

  • Your army is currently laying siege (attrition applies after you end your turn)
  • Your army is besieged by an enemy (attrition applies when your turn starts)
  • Your army is currently suffering due to certain events (plague, sickness, earthquake, etc.)
  • Your food surplus is negative and your army is currently in a province that imports food.
  • Your army is currently in terrain it is not used to (e.g. desert, mountains) and not on a road.
  • You cannot pay for your army's or fleet's upkeep (happens when a player has no settlements)
  • Your fleet is currently in deep water