What does each character specialize in


I know that whatever job you have does not affect stat growth, so clearly each character has some specific base stat distribution and innate strengths and weaknesses. So, which characters do best in which classes? For example, does Tiz do better as an AGI-focused class compared to, say, Edea or Agnes? Or do the characters all have the same stat distribution and growth and Black Mage Agnes would do the same damage as Black Mage Ringabel given all things equal.

Best Answer

You can easily check the base stats of each character under the "status" menu, in "tactics."

I'm currently playing through at level 13, so my stats may differ from yours; however, the base values for my current party are as follows:

Tiz: Str 16 Vit 16 Int 15 Mnd 16 Dex 16 Agi 14

Agnes: Str 14 Vit 14 Int 17 Mnd 17 Dex 14 Agi 13

Ringabel: Str 15 vit 15 Int 16 Mnd 14 Dex 17 Agi 17

Edea: Str 17 Vit 17 Int 14 Mnd 15 Dex 15 Agi 14

So as you can see, Edea is suited to be a fighter-type; Ringabel, to be a faster type, a la thief or ninja; Agnes is best as a mage; and Tiz is an all-rounder with slight leanings toward Mind-type or Strength-type jobs.

Edit to add: However, the other poster IS indeed correct that the difference is pretty small, and mostly insignificant. As a minmaxer, though, the difference between 17 base Dex and 14 base Dex is pretty huge early in the game.