What does it mean to cancel a burn card


What does it mean when you cancel a burn card? I sometimes see the XP bonus: BURN CARD CANCELLED. What does this mean?

Best Answer

It means you just a killed pilot who had a Burn Card active.

Each round you can carry in up to 3 Burn Cards, selected before the map loads:

  • You can choose to activate 1 card each time before you spawn, selected while waiting to start or respawn.
  • Just 1 card can be active at a time.
  • When the match ends any active card is cancelled.
  • If you die any active card is cancelled.
  • Some burn cards have a one time effect (for instance reducing the time to next titanfall). These are applied immediately and then lost.
  • If another pilot kills you and you have an active card they get a Burn Card Cancelled bonus.
  • If you kill another pilot and they have an active card you get a Burn Card Cancelled bonus.
  • Burn Cards don't time out - you have have one active card for an entire match (from beginning to end) if you don't die.
  • Burn Card Cancelled bonuses are awarded at the same time as the XP for killing the pilot who had it.

Note that this goes for titan related cards - even if the card only boosts a player's titan they won't lose the card. If they survive until they can drop another titan they still have it.