After every mission in Spiral Knights, you earn "Heat" which upgrades your weapons and armor. What does leveling your equipment do? Does it make it more damaging / more protective? Do certain activities require items of a certain level?
What does leveling your equipment get you
Best Answer
At Heat Lvl 5 and 10 your weapons get a small but meaningful bonus, and yes if you took the time to look at a Lvl 1 item you see the blue bar and some dark blueish bar after that. Each level fills that up a bit. For crafting the higher tier items eg.Tempered Calibur it need the standard stuff plus a Calibur. An Acended Calibur requires a lvl 5+ Tempered Calibur. A rule of thumb is if you're not at the highest tier of gear and your stuff is lvl 10 get new stuff.