What does Night Terror of Darwin Village do


I cannot interact with it at all after I opened the cage, neither talk nor use other skills. Wiki says it will follow you after released it. But all I can see is that it's standing there and do nothing.

Is it a bug? Am I missing something?

Best Answer

I talked to him, but did not have any "candy" at the time. He still followed me.

The "candy" he asks for is any meat (human, animal, etc., including items like Gila Skins). You can talk to him any time after he's released, and open a trade interface to give him "candy".

If you give him enough, eventually he announces that he's sleepy, and he will stop following you.

I do not know if he comes back at any point after that.

He does not participate in any combat, but has about 8000 points of health, so he's incredibly durable.