Overwatch – Meaning of ’76’ in Soldier 76’s Name


Soldier 76 is Jack Morrison. After the death of Overwatch, Morrison was presumed dead when in reality he was in hiding. He raided multiple corporations that had profited from the downfall of Overwatch, and stole their tech, including his tactical visor and the Heavy Pulse Rifle he wields. However, I'm curious about the origins of his new name, Soldier 76. Is this just an arbitrary number he is given? Or does the number 76 have more significance?

Best Answer

The most accurate guess to this is because:

Before long, he earned a coveted position in the government's controversial and still-classified (but widely acknowledged) "soldier enhancement program." Source

He is assumed to be the 76th Soldier to be accepted into this program.

His origin story is highly classified and there is no definitive proof as to what 76 means, but this is the closest answer in my opinion.