What does the “Brave” option do


Just played the Bravely Default demo.

I'm really confused with the terms BP and Brave. What do these two do?

I'm so confused, all I do is mash Attack in the hopes that I kill the enemies.

Best Answer

BP is your number of Brave Points. The number of BP you have influences your performance in battle. For me, it maxes out at 3 BP.

Certain actions naturally consume BP, and others are fueled by it explicitly (like Valkyrie Acrobatics, for instance). Some accessories and skills allow you do more damage and take less with a higher BP. Having a negative BP makes you more vulnerable in any situation.

The Brave menu command spends 1 BP to give you an extra move in battle. The Default command has you defend and you get +1 BP at the end of the turn.

If you start a turn with negative BP, you can't act. Negative BP is automatically incremented at the start of each turn.

Reactive abilities like Counter are not inhibited by negative BP.