What does the door want from me


I am in The Dark and Dank and Sinister Cave, and there is a door that has a shaft like a garbage chute in it! Now, I could just go dropping bits of my stuff in there to see what makes the door open, but I've got some good stuff that I'd rather not feed to a door just in case it's not what the door wants.

So, what kinds of things is the door looking for from me?

Best Answer

Good News Everyone!

If the door doesn't like what you feed it, it won't consume the item and you will get the item back. If trial and error/puzzle solving is your thing, go have fun deciphering the door's cryptic clues. If not, read on.

The solution

According to kolwiki, it depends on your class. Your primary stat determines if you are a muscle, mysticality, or moxie class.

First door:

As a muscle class: inserting a viking helmet.

As a mysticality class: inserting a stalk of asparagus.

As a moxie class: inserting some dirty hobo gloves.

Second door:

As a muscle class: inserting an insanely spicy bean burrito.

As a mysticality class: inserting an insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito.

As a moxie class: inserting an insanely spicy jumping bean burrito.

Third Door:

As a Seal Clubber: inserting a clown whip.

As a Turtle Tamer: inserting a clownskin buckler.

As a Pastamancer: inserting some boring spaghetti.

As a Sauceror: inserting a tomato juice of powerful power.

As a Disco Bandit: inserting a fruity girl drink, other than a swill or a pumpkin beer.

As an Accordion Thief: Buffing yourself with the Polka of Plenty.

Final door:

Collect the 8 paper strips from enemies in A Large Chamber, then reorder them by matching up the torn edges to spell the password for the A Big Door. Note that vertical tears aren't necessarily borders, but might connect to each other. The password is entered as one word, no spaces between strips.