What does the effect of “Boost to HC droprate” actually mean


In Brave Frontier, what does the effect of "Boost to HC droprate" or "Boost to BC droprate" actually mean?

For example, Archangel's BB (Blessed Sword) is "3 combo Light elemental attack on a single enemy & boost to HC droprate".

Does the boost apply to JUST the hits in the bursts 3 hit's, or does it increase overall HC droprates for a period after the attack (1 turn, 2 turns, the rest of the battle)? Does it apply to every hit during the period as well? And do other units benefit from the effect or is it isolated to just the Archangel?

I haven't been able to see a any consistency because of the games natural variance for HC and BC drops and I haven't been able to tell if I'm gimping my team by using Archangel instead of a stronger unit (I don't like straight healers =p).

Any serious theorycrafting out there on how this works? The official wikia really doesn't shed any light on the topic as far as I can see.

Also, sorry this isn't tagged. There isn't a bravefrontier tag! XD


Best Answer

HC have a defualt droprate of 35%, that means each hit has 35% chance of dropping a Heart Crystal. The boost to HC droprate adds additively to that 35%, so a skill stating "adds 15% to HC droprate" brings the chance of a HC dropping to 50% for each hit.

This applies to all units, newer units' skills state for how long the buffs will last.