What does the exclamation mark mean when approaching a door


Most doors I come across in the Rage universe do not cause a hand icon to appear, indicating that they can be opened, nor are they locked with a grindable lock. Most actually display a white warning sign as seen here:

And zooming in a bit:

I have to admit I haven't been keeping track of doors that become open while you play, so I wanted to know what it is this icon indicates, exactly.

Does it mean "this door won't open at the moment", or perhaps "this is indeed a door, but it will never open"? Perhaps it means either one depending on the door?

Best Answer

Sometimes they become openable doors through the story (e.g. entrance/exit in Dead City), sometimes you get a keycard or key to open them (e.g. Gearhead Vault in Subway), sometimes they can be opened by shooting gas tanks behind them (e.g. Wasted Garage) or similar.

However, mostly they're just part of the wall that looks like a door - there seems to be more 'doors' like that than any other.