What does the percentage value on the gear represent


Whenever I find a new weapon, it has a number below the name which is represented by a percentage, like 93%. What do these numbers mean?

  • At first I thought it might have been weapon durability, but the number doesn't seem to go down after even extended use of the item.
  • The value is also over 100% in some cases.
  • The value appears to be coloured towards green as it approaches 100%.

What does this number represent?

Here's some examples:




Best Answer

It is a sort of combination durability/quality statistic. Higher values improve the quality of the equipment. For example, more damage from weapons, better protection from armour.

It is also a measure of durability. Sometimes when you are hit your armour will be damaged. This decreases that number, and the associated benefit. I have yet to encounter a situation that will damage weapons (The jesters don't count), though I have only played through a single time. The character named Ubuntu gives the option to repair equipment. He can only repair it up to 100% though. I have used this to improve weapons, armour, and rings that were damaged when found, as well as armour that was damaged in combat.