What does the sewer QR code return


Okay this is bothering the crap out of me. Pictured is a photo of a QR code only displayed on the map of a room in the sewer area right off the main warp gate. I didn't notice it until after I "golded" the area (which I think was just a stupid cube bit). Anyways, my QR reader on my phone won't read it. I can only assume it is due to the sheen effect since I cleared the area.

The QR code

What does this QR code say?

Best Answer

If you completed/"golded" the room already, you don't need to enter the QR code. You're done. If you did the throne puzzle, the sewer QR room will complete automatically. If you're curious, the QR code just returns this text: RT RT LT RT RT RT LT LT RT LT LT LT RT LT RT LT

sewer QR room

This is what a screenshot of what the iPhone QR reader returns:

QR response