Fortnite Save the World – Meaning of the Skull Icon Over an Attacking Husk


While defending my fort, I've seen a skull icon appear over an attacking Husk, but haven't been able to figure out what it means. It's happened a few times now, but I was finally able to get a screenshot in time last night.

full image

zoomed in on skull

What does this skull mean? If it means anything, I've only ever seen one of these icons at a time and it's always been while defending forts, though I don't believe it's necessarily always been on Husks that were actively attacking a structure.

Best Answer

Although this Reddit seems to be discussing a different kind of skull, someone also pointed out that the skull above enemies simply means that they have been marked:

I think your talking about a marked enemy. If you click the mouse wheel on pc you "mark" and enemy with a skull over it's head; it has no purpose other than to draw attention from your allies to that enemy.

This Reddit with a title of "PSA- You can "mark" enemies for other players to see, it will add a skull icon and is easily noticeable by everyone." also seems to confirm (they did it on Xbox One):

I'm a notorious panic knifer and my friend and I just found this out today by accident. On XboxOne you just click down on the right stick. It's pretty helpful for getting rid of the stronger enemies like smashers.