What does this note say in the Stanley Parable


Using the information from a previous question, I've been mining the textures in the Stanley Parable and came across this:

enter image description here

which I found in-game in the

control room with the hundreds of number television screens.

Is this a secret-coded message? What does it mean?

Best Answer

The characters looked like ASCII character maps (note the abundance of 32's which correspond to a space) so I transcribed the message and wrote a small Python script to decode the message:

“I just played your game and I'd like to say it was the most annoying thing I ever played. It had its cool moments but overall the experience was only of annoyance. The problem is that it does not touch the heart of people. It's a very emotionless game.

Did you ask any girls to try out your game? I ask because they are blissfully less logical than us guys. I am very logical myself, but also very emotional, so it was easy for me to find the game annoying.

What happened is that your game frustrated me. I felt like I was being taken into someone else's hallways, doors and plans, to deliver me an experience that didn't touch me. And worst of all, I'm watching you" - 1112800

This is the text spoken by the Narrator from the Raphael trailer. I'm not the first to discover this (there are several links in the Steam forums when you know what you are looking for), but I thought I'd share this extra Easter Egg as a self QA.