What effects does revving a spin-dash actually accomplish


With the newest addition to the Sonic series, Sonic Mania, there has been a question I've always wanted to ask:

Is there any difference between a single rev spin-dash and one that is revved multiple times? Does revving a spin-dash more times make the character spin-dashing go faster or farther than a spin-dash that isn't revved multiple times? If revving a spin-dash multiple times does have an effect, what exactly is that effect (how much speed and momentum is gained per rev), and at what point do further revs stop increasing this effect?

For the sake of not making this too broad I want to keep this specific to Sonic Mania, as older games might have slightly different answers.

Best Answer

Why not just try it out?

Revving the spin dash definitely makes a difference.

Here's a non-revved spin dash:

non-revved spin dash

And here's a revved spin dash:

revved spin dash

Here's the drop dash:

drop dash

The drop dash appears to be slightly less powerful than a non-revved spin dash, but note that the jump was on a slight hill that caused it to start off with backwards momentum, so they might actually be even.

Here's a super peel out without waiting until it's fully charged:

uncharged super peel out

And here's a fully charged super peel out:

charged super peel out

Normally you'd continue holding right to run at full speed after a super peel out, but without holding right it looks about as powerful as a non-revved spin dash.

Also note that holding right actually slows you down when you're in ball mode!

Non-revved spin dash, holding right:

non-revved spin dash, holding right

Revved spin dash, holding right:

revved spin dash, holding right

Drop dash, holding right:

drop dash, holding right

As for how many revs gives you diminishing returns, I think the key is to listen to the sound it makes when you add a rev. Each one causes your "revving noise" to become higher pitched, but only up to a certain point. I think that number is about 7 revs.

Anecdotally, I've noticed that speed-runners jam on the buttons and rev it a bunch of times. And it might be worth noting that in Mirage Saloon zone, the plane will keep up with a non-revved spin dash, but if you rev the spin dash then you'll fall off the plane.

If somebody knows of a better straightaway for testing, I'd be happy to try it out.