What exactly are the effects of Aiming Down Sights in apex legends


Scoping = ADS bellow:

  • Does the accuracy change (i.e. is not scoping in any way less accurate than the exact same aim/tracking with a scoping?)
  • Does the spread change?
  • Does the recoil change?"
  • Are there other changes (except markings, zoom, thermal)?
  • To which weapons do whatever changes (if any) apply?

If the answer to the above is no to everything, then are people seriously crippling movement just to get a mark on their screen!? I am asking because I generally hate scoping, except when totally necessary… but sometimes, I feel like I'm aiming great, but I'm not hitting anything without scoping, wondering if there are specific weapons which genuinely become inaccurate without scoping?

Best Answer

Scoping, more commonly known as Aiming Down Sights or ADS, gives you the following benefits:

  • Significantly tighter spread on all weapons
  • Zoom
  • More Control for most weapons

However it has trade-offs, in the form of:

  • Your mobility is lowered
  • Less awareness as you are now focusing on a single direction
  • Some Weapons, like SMGs without stabilizers/stocks become a bit wild

If you are using anything other than an SMG, you will hit more if you ADS. Even shotguns benefit greatly with ADS. The Peacekeeper with the choke hop-up, for example, tightens its spread so much it nearly becomes a rifle. Scout and Sniper Rifles pretty much require ADS to be effective. ARs and LMGs can go either way, but they are more effecting when ADS a majority of the time.

If you do not like to use the ADS mechanic, Apex probably isn't for you.