What exactly makes the car stealthy


I just recently got the papavero stealth edition car in watch dogs and it says when you click on it that its "A unique superior with STEALTH ABILITIES." My question is I guess what is it that makes it so superior and stealthy? The paint job, the tinted windows, what?

Best Answer

There's now a Wiki article detailing what makes it stealthy.

Player vs Player


A unique trait featured on the Stealth Edition that is not seen on any other vehicle is its extremely dark tinted windows. This feature can be very useful in Online Hacking and Online Tailing game-modes to avoid being easily seen when driving or parked.


However, due to the fact it is unobtainable without a Uplay account, and is not available outside of the Car On Demand app, players aware of these facts may be able to easily recognize the signature differences between it and the base model, unless it is at very dark places or at night.

Player vs Computer


This edition, as the name indicates, is supposedly effective in evading and eluding police, Club hitmen, Fixers and Viceroys. ... This can be noted because its standard counterpart, the Papavero, seems to take more time to lose the police. This may be because the windows are not tinted, allowing the police to easily see Aiden.


It can be noted, however, CTOS scans take longer to complete when driving the car.

Source: http://watchdogs.wikia.com/wiki/Papavero_Stealth_Edition